k one

美 [keɪ wʌn]英 [keɪ wʌn]
  • 网络k一;最美的一刻;风云变色;绕圈圈;顶尖高手;出师表
k onek one
  1. And that gives you the ratio of k1 plus k minus one .


  2. So the first case is where M k minus one is much bigger than k2 .


  3. A Which is k2 times k1 over k minus one times A.


  4. The results showed that soil K was one of the main limiting factors of nutrient on mulberry in planting area .


  5. And then the other one is M k minus one is much less than k2 . M is very small .


  6. Then watching it in time , extract out , 1 observe and measure k1 plus k minus one .


  7. The transmission coefficient K is one of the important hydrogeological parameters in study of the moving , groundwater The process of obtain n (?)


  8. We have something that looks like k1 k2 over k minus one times A is the rate of reaction .


  9. You put k minus one here , k1 k1 here , but it 's the same thing .


  10. K minus one is much bigger than k2 , k2 so we can ignore k2 here .


  11. We think that the thermal fluid rich in K is one of the most important material sources of the metallogenesis of K salt deposit .


  12. B Minus dA / dt is all the ways that I destroy and create B , A so there 's a k1 times A minus k minus one times B.


  13. B Where you have A goes to B , with summary constant k1 , A but you can have the reverse process B goes back to A1 with the rate constant k minus one .


  14. Company K is one of the earliest enterprises which manufacture in vitro diagnostic reagents , but recently because of the entrance of the large foreign enterprises and new companies appeared the market share of company K declined .


  15. Anti-ageing expert Dr Mark Binette said : " More science is coming out linking the lack of Vitamin D and K as one of the causes that plagues us with dark circles and puffy eyes ; especially as it relates to fatigue and immune related issues . "


  16. 1-0 Plus the k component is one minus zero .


  17. Conclusions : Activation of NF - K B is one of the major factors for SAP and the intestinal mucosal barrier injury in SAP .


  18. Starting his career as a theatre actor and then TV presenter , K RAJAGOPAL is one of the pioneers of the Singapore filmmaking scene .


  19. The temperature distribution and thermal flux distribution of copper lead were also given in range of room temperature ( 300 K ) to one stage of refrigerator temperature ( 77 K ) at different operating currents .


  20. Potassium is one of the necessary nutrients for crops growth . The growth of rice is restricted by potassium deficiency usually and this phenomenon occurs in the south of China , Fertilizer K application is one of methods to solve this problem .


  21. This thesis is to modify the calculating model of soil erodibility ( K factor ), one of the most important factors of universal soil loss equation , which is widely used in the prediction of soil loss amount of highway slope in Hubei Province .


  22. Open K-Multiple ( k - to - one ) Map and Locally Homeomorphic map


  23. In the vi editor , the K key moves up one line , while the J key moves down a line .


  24. In credit card analysis , use K means algorithm , one of the method in clustering algorithm , to find the minimal partition of DSS .


  25. So if you have a certain number of neutrons produced and that equals the number of losses your K effective would be one which is the desirable function .


  26. In the other 5 cases of lymphoma , which were without immunophenotyping , there were 4 heavy chain , 3 with k light chain and one with λ chain gene rearrangements .


  27. If you dot that with k you willget just one , dxdy so I am not going to write it , dx dy.


  28. And we 've used a relatively simplistic term called Neutron Multiplication Factor which is the K that if the K equals one the neutron population is steady as is the fission rate .


  29. Conclusion : The plasma K and Na / K ratio is one of the factors determining the whole day BP in EH .


  30. And now , after rearranging your differential equation , putting B in there , k you can rewrite this as k1 plus k minus one times A A0 minus k minus one times B0 plus A0 .
